Moraine Valley Community College values being connected to our communities and its members. Even if you're not a student, we offer a variety of opportunities and experiences for all community members to participate in.
Explore Community Programs

Career Training and Workforce Development
Career Connections is a free federally funded work readiness program where our mission is to prepare youths and adults for the workforce. Participants can get up to $8,000 in tuition assistance for select credit and noncredit programs.
Career training programs are offered as a quick way to enter a specialized field or to enhance your skill set in your current position. Earn certificates that help you learn the ins and outs of a new industry or complete professional development hours with one-day certificate classes.
Industry certificates include:
- Cannabis Manufacturing and Cultivation
- Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
- Dental Assisting
- Health Professionals - AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) and more.
- Nondestructive Testing
- Food Service Sanitation
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
- Vet Assisting
Host your next business meeting, conference, workshop, seminar, training event, awards banquet or other special events with us!
The business consultants from Corporate, Community and Continuing Education can provide customized coursework and employee training to help your company increase its efficiency.
The JRC can help your business connect with the college's students and alumni through internship and recruitment programs, job fairs, networking events and much more.

Personal Enrichment, Fitness and Recreation
Moraine Valley offers classes for those interested in art, computers, investing, and more through offerings by our Corporate, Community and Continuing Education area.
The college's Health, Fitness and Recreation Center - called FitRec, is open to the community and offers a variety of membership types, group fitness classes, personal training and much more in a state-of-the-art facility.
The college's Fine and Performing Arts Center brings the community a full schedule of shows, performances and concerts.
The Robert F. DeCaprio Art Gallery is a meeting ground for students of Moraine Valley, the local community, and the contemporary art world. Our mission is to present significant works, through exhibitions and programming, by local, national and international artists.

Families and Youth
Moraine Valley offers high school students opportunities to shorten the time needed to complete a college degree or certificate. These time- and money-saving opportunities include:
Dual Credit
Some schools allow high school students to take college classes as a replacement for one or more of the regular high school classes. You can simultaneously earn college credits and complete high school course requirements for high school graduation and a college degree.
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment allows students who are at least 16 years old to earn college credit by traveling to campus during the school day with permission from their high school guidance counselor.
This microsite helps high school students and parents take important steps for college in the years leading up to high school graduation.
Our Movie in the Moonlight series features newer, family-friendly movies on a large, inflatable screen and free admission.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is a national, regional and local initiative emphasizing the need to increase global competitiveness in these areas.
The Moraine Valley Explorers offers summer day camps and classes that are led by our team of dedicated teaching faculty to help children and teens discover, imagine and create.

ESL, GED, and Citizenship
English as a Second Language (ESL) is offered for adult residents whose native language is not English and wish to develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The college has classes for beginning, intermediate, and advanced level students. ESL classes are offered free of charge.
The State of Illinois High School Diploma, formerly known as the High School Equivalency Certificate test can give you the opportunity to earn a State of Illinois High School Diploma certificate. Our courses are free of charge and prepare students to take the State of Illinois High School Diploma test. You will cover five subjects: Reading, Writing, Science, Social Science and Mathematics. The test is available in English or Spanish.
Moraine Valley not only offers citizenship classes for students who are preparing to apply for the naturalization interview and exam but also hosts naturalization ceremonies on campus. The college is proud to partner with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in securing America's promise as a nation of immigrants while also offering the campus community the opportunity to witness democracy in action and welcome the nation's newest citizens.
Want to do business with the college?
Businesses seeking to be added to bidder list can find information here.